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Editorial: Who really lost the 2016 Election? The Media.

The presidential election of 2016 will surely go down in history for many reasons: pundits that got the nation’s sentiments completely wrong; a Democratic Party that exibited corruption from the top-down, and focused on every leftist agenda to the chagrin of its core working-class union membership; a presidential candidate that made statements previously considered out-of-bounds; to the realization that our e-mails are discoverable, no matter who we are. 

And while each of these startled the world, none holds a candle to the most important election result; as the American public becomes keenly aware that the media is corrupt, biased, and purveys lies to advance their business interests.  

But they tell us the news, right?  Wrong.  Instead of news, we receive “editorials”, “opinions” and "studies” which are biased. 

Consider the local newspapers, such as the Hartford Courant and New Haven Register. Rather than reporting on real issues this country faces and publishing election results, they chose to hang their hats on human-interest stories about the under-twenty-somethings who couldn’t accept that their candidate lost; failing to reveal that most didn't bother to vote. 

The television networks were even worse. Rather than reporting the election results in a timely fashion, the more liberal networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN) stopped updating the results at 1:00 AM in the morning. They just couldn’t stomach reporting the inevitable.States were being reported as wins for Clinton with only 58% of districts reporting; while those with 97% reporting in Trump’s favor were withheld until the following day. 

But topping the list of biased media outlets, are those websites which purport to supply “news” when in fact, they are outlets for one party or the other. Think CTNewsJunkie.com, which serves as the media arm of the Democratic Party; spinning every release about Dannel P. Malloy or our state’s unemployment in a positive light.  

At the end of the day, thanks to Mr. Trump, the bias and lies printed by the media were exposed for all the public to see. And see they did. The public has awoken and the media would be well-advised to take notice. 

Election Day of 2016 was indeed: The Day the Media Died.
Credible, Professional Journalism Needs Your Support!

This website was launched in 2015 to fill a void in news coverage at the state Capitol. Our tagline - Because You Need It. Balanced. - was true from the start. 

Today, it has a new meaning; as a reality check against the slanted liberal propaganda that has been parading as "news". 

Frankly, this propaganda is worse than a lack of coverage.The saddest thing about this year’s election was the way people bought into “fake” news. Make no mistake about it, misinformation and confirmation bias were the currency of Election 2016. 

Fake news publishers overtook the press, internet and television stations, as a means of misinforming millions of people, when they most needed good information; news reported and vetted by professional journalists, rather than propaganda machines like CTNJ, the Hartford Courant, MSNBC, FOX and others. 

Fake news publishers played upon readers’ ugliest fears and their penchant for "safe space" solutions to complex, long-term problems, as well as a near complete lack of media literacy within the social media ecosystem.

Connecticut's unemployment is through the roof again? Quick... print some lower numbers...by next month, the public will have forgotten about it anyway! 

State budget out-of-control because of union pensions? Shush! The unions are our largest advertisers!

Tired of having the staff's work truthed by the readers? Quick...limit comments to Facebook users!

Our promise to you, is that we will continue to push the envelope when it comes to developing an independent news delivery system that is reliable and sustainable. It’s why we’re here. For you. But we’re not going to compromise our product to catch up with propaganda machines. Those organizations aren’t helping anyone. We are. And we don't ask you to pay for it.
The Truly Important

by Stuart Little | April 6, 2020 7:35 PM

Funny, how when things get truly bad, people return to concentrating on the things that truly matter. 

Special interests have gone by the wayside; replaced by a more common interest: Human Survival. Gone are concerns about global warming and sea level rise; as environmentalists wrestle with new methods to clean their environments: disinfectant sprays and chlorine bleach. Disposable plastic bags are back for good; and the reusable ones will end up populating our landfills. While we are a country that values individual rights; the “anti-vax” crowd is nowhere to be found. As eggs, chicken, and toilet paper are rationed, believers in the “circular economy” have packed-up and left town. As doctors, nurses, and heath care workers staff the frontlines of the pandemic; and manufacturers race to provide masks and ventilators; and vaccine manufacturers work overtime, we discover that “Essential Lives Matter” most. Labor unions, which have been “fighting for fifteen”, are now fighting for their own survival as their membership numbers dwindle precipitously. College costs, which have risen into the stratosphere in recent years, will be reduced significantly, as the realization sets-in that the technology to allow greater numbers of students to obtain the same high-quality education while sitting at home, has arrived. And while adults and children alike had previously been content to sit alone for hours in front of computer screen and video games, they have now developed a new appreciation for face-to-face communications with family, friends, neighbors and workplace associates.  

And while our nation had been politically divided, we are now truly one.